Claus Lampertz takes over Marbrerie Dumont in Troisvierges with its two employees.
The staff of the stone-cutting business grows from two to five and the hall is extended from 150 m2 to 400 m2.
The company now has 10 employees. Offices and a small exhibition room are built.
Marbrerie Wenzel in Merl is acquired and the number of employees grows to 15.
While the workshop in Troisvierges has been enlarged to 800 m2and the number of employees has grown to 20 people, an exhibition room and offices are established in Walferdange.
Open day in Walferdange
New production equipment is purchased in Troisvierges.
The company now has 52 employees and there is no longer enough space in Troisvierges, which is why a new building with showroom is built in Hosingen.
The new production hall (1350 m2) as well as the warehouse with extended production facilities (2000 m2) are put into operation. Open day and opening of the new 800 m2 exhibition area.
Launch of the company’s new logo “Lampertz Stone Designer”. “Lampertz Stone Designer" presents the new company logo as part of an "Open Day" showroom enlargement to include the "Darkroom”.
Attendance at the Luxembourg Spring and Autumn Fair
Five video clips are produced with Ms Thorunn.
The new building in Walferdange "Millewee" is opened.
The showroom in Hosingen is renovated and modernised.
Steve Lampertz takes over the management. He establishes a management team consisting of Technical Director, Sales Director and Administration & Finance Director.
A new waterjet milling machine is purchased.
Lampertz Stone Designer currently employs about 80 people.
Inauguration of the new hall in Hosingen.